Here is the Success Manifesto you've been searching for.

But first, my story... 


I was coming home from the bar I worked at - it was around 5 am and I was feeling miserable.

Worst of all, I was starving and I only had enough money to get a hot dog from the 7/11 across the street...

My paycheck on September was gone 7 days after cashing it in. And I still had $1130 in debt after making the worst investment of my life - an online shop for children clothes.

I was really desperate... 32 years old and I couldn't afford to go out and have a beer with my friends, let alone take a girl out for dinner or anything.

If only I could find a better paid job!...

That's what was going through my mind, rushing to get home, when I crossed the red light that changed my life. I heard the car breaks squeak and the next second I was down on the pavement. I was so absent minded, I didn't even realize I was crossing the street, let alone see the red light.

The driver got out of the car and helped me up. I was fine, mildly bruised from the fall, but no serious injury.

He looked at me and said: "Wilson man, I didn't even realize it was you! I'm so sorry. What were you thinking jumping in front of the car like that?"
That was Kean, my fellow from college, a really chubby guy back then who drop-out after the first year because he said school was a total waste of time and he wanted to make money, not spend it on tuition fee.

A few years after we stopped going to the same places I wondered from time to time what had come of him. I imagined him working petty jobs, just like me, or maybe even worse... living in a trailer and getting even chubbier...

And look at him now!

Fancy clothes on a worked-out body, driving an Aston Martin DBS...

Wow, who would've thought?!

He insisted on taking me out for lunch the next day, but I said no. I was embarrassed by the whole thing and made up some lie that I had to go out of town to visit some friends.

But he wouldn't let me go without giving him my phone number. He wanted to make sure I didn't develop any complications from the car accident.

Next week he called me and caught me completely off guard. I had to accept his lunch invitation back at his place.

I got to his home… and at first I thought I was hallucinating…

He owned the penthouse in the most expensive residential complex in the area…

When the door opened I saw what could have been my college dream room… just the living room was three times the size of my house…

READ MORE or click on image of Kean's car below:

Living by design or chance?

DAY 2/STEP 2 in Goal Setting Series
What is your CLEAR PLAN? 
Welcome. If you stumbled upon this page I encourage you to get more details about what the first step is; which I’ll tell you now is: Write it down. So many people keep things in their heads and frankly, I will tell you that this doesn’t work as well as writing things down or at all. Plus there is something that happens to your mind and your body in the act of writing things. Get a pen or pencil which you really like and start writing things. Before reading further, please read more about STEP 1 from what I presented on DAY 1 here.
Live by design and on purpose
Image result for jim rohn
We can live our life either by design, or by chance. As famous success philosopher Jim Rohn put it, "If you don't design your own life, chances are you'll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they planned for you? Not much." People living with no goals rarely have any purposes. Without purposes, what’s the point of living?

Create a concrete plan

A study in the British Journal of Health Psychology found that 91% of people who planned their intention to exercise by writing down when and where they would exercise each week ended up following through, while only 35% achieved the same result relying on just motivation. Many similar studies have come to the same conclusion: if we clearly state when and where we are going to take the action, we are much more likely to stick to our goal.
As I mentioned before, just doing these 7 steps will put you farther in life than you can ever imagine; in more money, more of all that life offers. So be sure to do all 7 of these steps. Don’t just read these steps; implement them into your daily routine. Think about it, Jim Rohn really was right!
Our 7 days together and putting these 7 steps to use may be all you need or want to have to do with goal setting; that’s fine and I’m glad to present them. However, some readers will want to continually improve. If that’s “you”, I recommend a continual training and accountability system like this one: GoalsOnTrack. It’s a systematic approach to achieving goals and getting results. Find out more about it HERE.
I hope you got something from this. Write down your goals, create that plan and I’ll see you on the next step (or go here to get all the steps).

Ter Scott! 
Life and Legacy Coach™ 

Figure out life's questions in 3 steps:

Most of us like puzzles but all of us would like to finally get to the finished picture. Sure, many won't finish the puzzle just as many people do not finish many things they set out to do in life and that's why there is a photo of the finished puzzle on the cover of the box! 

Puzzles of all varieties at least intrigue us and get our interest and if they're interesting and not too far beyond the level of competency we are at in that area, we will continue and usually solve the riddle, trivia question or puzzle.

I put a very simple puzzle here in a blog which I co-author with The Cosmos*; it's fun, it's easy and I know that you can do it. And it has a message which is important. Go ahead, CLICK HERE to see it and then come right back...

OK. Welcome back. There seems to be so many people who "settle for" in life. They accept what they are told, they accept a job with the pay they feel comfortable with, the people they associate with, and really; every area of their life. They "talk" things like they want to have things and say things like they want to be a millionaire, or to have big houses, motor homes, and more but they don't "know" how to get them. I even share with some of them that if they would like to find out how to achieve these things that they can always chat with me, email me etc. and I would help them at no fee. And so few take me up on it; many say "thanks" but that's as far as it goes. Which in one sense is great because I only have so much time in the day just like they do and I've built my net worth to a point where consulting fees are priced what these people may think are out of reach and when I'm spending time with them others can't be spending money with me.

The good news for them, you (and even me; I do this continually) is that with discipline and time to do some research, there are many resources online to find out how things have been done, can be done and will be done by those who are serious about moving forward.

1. Ask a question. How can I...?
2. Look for the answer online.
3. Do what others have done to do what you want to do, and you'll have what others have.

You see, the formula is simple (it always is) but not necessarily easy (you have to put in the time and effort). But surely, as Tony Robbins told me, "Success leaves clues" and you'll see these "clues" all over YouTube and at no travel cost or time away from work to attend a paid seminar. Wow, can you see the value here?

*BTW, you should consider registering to "Follow by Email" on this Cosmos site. You'll get a "Daily Dose of the Cosmos" which is a short wisdom gem to ponder on for your day. This "gem" just might be the message you need to move forward with one of your goals, a pressing situation; even possibly a million dollar idea. You'll find the Follow by Email option on the page somewhere.